1998 NFL Season

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Local Affiliate Listings

NFL 1998 Google Sheet as originally compiled by 506sports.com

Announcer Listings

As originally written by Jimmy Delach and Tim Brulia:

The NFL signs an enormous contract with Fox, CBS, ABC and ESPN for six years with a two year option. Changes from 1994-1997:

Fox: status quo

CBS: picks up the AFC package from NBC.

ABC: status quo

ESPN: picks up the entire Sunday Night Football package, which had been previously shared with TNT.

With CBS back in the fold, it comes at the expense of NBC, who had a hand in televising pro football in at least some form since 1955.

Also, doubleheader games now kickoff at 4:15, late singleheader games kickoff at 4:00, thus eliminating the need to note which network has the doubleheader game in the weekly headings.

One other notable landmark from this season, the first NFL games ever televised in High Definition. CBS televised three regular season games and the AFC Championship Game in HD with completely separate productions and on air talent from the Standard Definition games.)


Saturday 8/1: Steelers-Buccaneers (Canton, OH - Hall of Fame Game), 7:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason

Saturday 8/1: Packers-Chiefs (Tokyo), 10:15, ESPN. Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire

Thursday 8/13: Buccaneers-Dolphins, 8:20, ESPN. Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire

Saturday 8/15: 49ers-Seahawks (Vancouver), 8:00, CBS. Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms

Sunday 8/16: Raiders-Packers, 4:00, Fox. Pat Summerall, John Madden, Matt Millen

Monday 8/17: Cowboys-Patriots (Mexico City), 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason

Thursday 8/20: Giants-Jets, 8:20, ESPN. Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire

Sunday 8/23: Dolphins-49ers, 4:00, Fox. Pat Summerall, John Madden, Matt Millen

Monday 8/24: Packers-Broncos, 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason

Thursday 8/27: Cowboys-Jaguars, 8:00, CBS. Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms

Saturday 8/29: Panthers-Steelers, 8:20, ESPN. Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire

WEEK 1, 1998:

Sunday 9/6:

Falcons-Panthers, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Lions-Packers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Jaguars-Bears, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Saints-Rams, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Brian Baldinger

Steelers-Ravens, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Seahawks-Eagles, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Buccaneers-Vikings, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville, Pam Oliver

Oilers-Bengals, 1, CBS, Craig Bolerjack, John Dockery

Redskins-Giants, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Suzy Kolber

Cardinals-Cowboys, 4, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott, Mike Doocy

Bills-Chargers, 4:15, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Dolphins-Colts, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Jets-49ers, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Raiders-Chiefs, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: KTVU-San Francisco/Oakland, KMBC-Kansas City

Monday 9/7:

Patriots-Broncos, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 2, 1998:

Sunday 9/13:

Ravens-Jets, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Bills-Dolphins, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Panthers-Saints, 1, Fox, Curt Menefee, Brian Baldinger, Jim Gallagher

Bears-Steelers, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green, Dan Jiggetts

Bengals-Lions, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Chiefs-Jaguars, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Vikings-Rams, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Eagles-Falcons, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Chargers-Oilers, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Buccaneers-Packers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Cardinals-Seahawks, 4:15, Fox, Steve Buckhantz, Trevor Matich

Cowboys-Broncos, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Pam Oliver

Giants-Raiders, 4:15, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Colts-Patriots, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WNDY-Indianapolis, WCVB-Boston

Monday 9/14:

49ers-Redskins, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 3, 1998:

Sunday 9/20:

Lions-Vikings, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Packers-Bengals, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott, Tim Ring

Colts-Jets, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Steelers-Dolphins, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Rams-Bills, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Chargers-Chiefs, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Oilers-Patriots, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Bears-Buccaneers, 4, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Redskins-Seahawks, 4, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Ravens-Jaguars, 4:15, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Broncos-Raiders, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Eagles-Cardinals, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WPVI-Philadelphia

Monday 9/21:

Cowboys-Giants, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Falcons, Panthers, Saints, 49ers

WEEK 4, 1998:

Sunday 9/27:

Cardinals-Rams, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Broncos-Redskins, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Packers-Panthers, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Rich Brenner

Jaguars-Oilers, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Chiefs-Eagles, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May, Beasley Reece

Saints-Colts, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts, Jim Gallagher

Raiders-Cowboys, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Seahawks-Steelers, 4, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Falcons-49ers, 4:15, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Vikings-Bears, 4:15, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Giants-Chargers, 4:15, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Curt Menefee

Bengals-Ravens, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WKRC-Cincinnati, WMAR-Baltimore

Monday 9/28:

Buccaneers-Lions, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Bills, Dolphins, Patriots, Jets

WEEK 5, 1998:

Sunday 10/4:

Panthers-Falcons, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Cowboys-Redskins, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Lions-Bears, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Dolphins-Jets, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Patriots-Saints, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Chargers-Colts, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

49ers-Bills, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts, Pam Oliver

Raiders-Cardinals, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Giants-Buccaneers, 4:15, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Eagles-Broncos, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Don Tollefson

Seahawks-Chiefs, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: KOMO-Seattle, KMBC-Kansas City

Monday 10/5:

Vikings-Packers, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Ravens, Bengals, Jaguars, Steelers, Rams, Oilers

WEEK 6, 1998:

Sunday 10/11:

Bills-Colts, 1, CBS, Bill Macatee, John Dockery

Panthers-Cowboys, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Mike Doocy

Chiefs-Patriots, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Steelers-Bengals, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

49ers-Saints, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Jim Gallagher

Oilers-Ravens, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Redskins-Eagles, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott, Pam Oliver

Bears-Cardinals, 4, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Broncos-Seahawks, 4:15, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Jets-Rams, 4:15, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Chargers-Raiders, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Falcons-Giants, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WSB-Atlanta, WWOR-New York

Monday 10/12:

Dolphins-Jaguars, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Lions, Packers, Vikings, Buccaneers

WEEK 7, 1998:

Thursday 10/15:

Packers-Lions, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WFRV-Green Bay, WCGV-Milwaukee, WXYZ-Detroit

Sunday 10/18:

Cardinals-Giants, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Ravens-Steelers, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Panthers-Buccaneers, 1, Fox, Curt Menefee, Brian Baldinger

Bengals-Oilers, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Jaguars-Bills, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Saints-Falcons, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Redskins-Vikings, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Colts-49ers, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Cowboys-Bears, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Eagles-Chargers, 4:15, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Rams-Dolphins, 4:15, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Monday 10/19:

Jets-Patriots, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Broncos, Chiefs, Raiders, Seahawks

WEEK 8, 1998:

Sunday 10/25:

Falcons-Jets, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Ravens-Packers, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Vikings-Lions, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Jennifer Hammond

Patriots-Dolphins, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

49ers-Rams, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Buccaneers-Saints, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville, Pam Oliver

Bears-Oilers, 4, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Bengals-Raiders, 4:15, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Jaguars-Broncos, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Seahawks-Chargers, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Bills-Panthers, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WNYO-Buffalo, WCNC-Charlotte

Monday 10/26:

Steelers-Chiefs, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Cardinals, Cowboys, Colts, Giants, Eagles, Redskins

WEEK 9, 1998:

Sunday 11/1:

Cardinals-Lions, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Broncos-Bengals, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Jaguars-Ravens, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Dolphins-Bills, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Vikings-Buccaneers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Chip Carter

Patriots-Colts, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Saints-Panthers, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Giants-Redskins, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Rams-Falcons, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Oilers-Steelers, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Jets-Chiefs, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

49ers-Packers, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Raiders-Seahawks, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: KTVU-San Francisco/Oakland, KOMO-Seattle

Monday 11/2:

Cowboys-Eagles, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Bye: Bears, Chargers

WEEK 10, 1998:

Sunday 11/8:

Falcons-Patriots, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Bengals-Jaguars, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Lions-Eagles, 1, Fox, Curt Menefee, Brian Baldinger

Colts-Dolphins, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Saints-Vikings, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville, Bob Sansevere

Giants-Cowboys, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Suzy Kolber

Raiders-Ravens, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Rams-Bears, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green, Dan Jiggetts

Panthers-49ers, 4, Fox, Josh Lewin, Ray Bentley

Redskins-Cardinals, 4, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Bills-Jets, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

CBS HD, Bill Macatee, Mike Mayock

Note: The High Definition telecast is the first one in NFL history. It was seen only on WCBS-DT.

Chiefs-Seahawks, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Chargers-Broncos, 4:15, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Oilers-Buccaneers, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WUXP-Nashville, WFTS-Tampa/St. Petersburg

Monday 11/9:

Packers-Steelers, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 11, 1998:

Sunday 11/15:

Bengals-Vikings, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Dolphins-Panthers, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Patriots-Bills, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Jets-Colts, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Eagles-Redskins, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Steelers-Oilers, 1, CBS, Craig Bolerjack, John Dockery

Rams-Saints, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

49ers-Falcons, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Pam Oliver

Ravens-Chargers, 4, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Seahawks-Raiders, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Cowboys-Cardinals, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Kevin McCabe

Packers-Giants, 4:15, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Buccaneers-Jaguars, 4:15, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Bears-Lions, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WLS-Chicago

Monday 11/16:

Broncos-Chiefs, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 12, 1998:

Sunday 11/22:

Cardinals-Redskins, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Bears-Falcons, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Lions-Buccaneers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Chip Carter

Packers-Vikings, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Pam Oliver

Colts-Bills, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Jaguars-Steelers, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Eagles-Giants, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Seahawks-Cowboys, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Panthers-Rams, 4, Fox, Ray Bentley, Brian Baldinger

Ravens-Bengals, 4:15, CBS, Bill Macatee, John Dockery

Chiefs-Chargers, 4:15, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Jets-Oilers, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Raiders-Broncos, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Saints-49ers, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WGNO-New Orleans, KTVU-San Francisco/Oakland

Monday 11/23:

Dolphins-Patriots, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 13, 1998:

Thursday 11/26:

Steelers-Lions, 12:30, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Vikings-Cowboys, 4, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Sunday 11/29:

Cardinals-Chiefs, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott, Kevin McCabe

Falcons-Rams, 1, Fox, Curt Menefee, Brian Baldinger

Panthers-Jets, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Colts-Ravens, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Jaguars-Bengals, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Buccaneers-Bears, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Bills-Patriots, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Oilers-Seahawks, 4, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Saints-Dolphins, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Jim Gallagher

Eagles-Packers, 4:15, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Redskins-Raiders, 4:15, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Broncos-Chargers, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: KMGH-Denver, KGTV-San Diego

Monday 11/30:

Giants-49ers, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 14, 1998:

Thursday 12/3:

Rams-Eagles, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: KDNL-St.Louis, WPVI-Philadelphia

Sunday 12/6:

Bills-Bengals, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Cowboys-Saints, 1, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Lions-Jaguars, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Colts-Falcons, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Patriots-Steelers, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Chargers-Redskins, 1, CBS, Bill Macatee, John Dockery

49ers-Panthers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Seahawks-Jets, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Giants-Cardinals, 4, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Ravens-Oilers, 4:15, CBS, Tim Brando, Craig James, Lou Holtz

Chiefs-Broncos, 4:15, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Dolphins-Raiders, 4:15, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Bears-Vikings, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WLS-Chicago, KSTP-Minneapolis/St. Paul

Monday 12/7:

Packers-Buccaneers, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 15, 1998:

Sunday 12/13:

Cardinals-Eagles, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Falcons-Saints, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Bears-Packers, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Tim Ring

Bengals-Colts, 1, CBS, Craig Bolerjack, John Dockery

Broncos-Giants, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Patriots-Rams, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Raiders-Bills, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Steelers-Buccaneers, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Oilers-Jaguars, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Redskins-Panthers, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts

Chargers-Seahawks, 4, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Cowboys-Chiefs, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Vikings-Ravens, 4:15, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville

Jets-Dolphins, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WWOR-New York, WPLG-Miami

Monday 12/14:

Lions-49ers, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 16, 1998:

Saturday 12/19:

Jets-Bills, 12:30, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

CBS HD, crew unknown

Buccaneers-Redskins, 4, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville, Brian Baldinger

Sunday 12/20:

Ravens-Bears, 1, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Bengals-Steelers, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Chiefs-Giants, 1, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Rams-Panthers, 1, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

49ers-Patriots, 1, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Oilers-Packers, 1, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Colts-Seahawks, 4, CBS, Bill Macatee, John Dockery

Raiders-Chargers, 4, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Falcons-Lions, 4:15, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts, Pam Oliver

Saints-Cardinals, 4:15, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott, Kevin McCabe

Eagles-Cowboys, 4:15, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Jaguars-Vikings, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WTLV-Jacksonville, KSTP-Minneapolis/St. Paul

Monday 12/21:

Broncos-Dolphins, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

WEEK 17, 1998:

Saturday 12/26:

Vikings-Oilers, 12:30, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen

Chiefs-Raiders, 4, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

CBS HD, crew unknown

Sunday 12/27:

Bills-Saints, 1, CBS, Gus Johnson, Steve Tasker

Panthers-Colts, 1, Fox, Curt Menefee, Brian Baldinger

Lions-Ravens, 1, Fox, Ray Bentley, Ron Pitts, Steve Davis

Packers-Bears, 1, Fox, Sam Rosen, Jerry Glanville, Pam Oliver

Dolphins-Falcons, 1, CBS, Ian Eagle, Mark May

Patriots-Jets, 1, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Buccaneers-Bengals, 1, Fox, Tim Ryan, Bill Maas, Ronnie Lott

Giants-Eagles, 4, Fox, Kenny Albert, Tim Green

Rams-49ers, 4, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden

Chargers-Cardinals, 4:15, CBS, Don Criqui, Beasley Reece

Seahawks-Broncos, 4:15, CBS, Kevin Harlan, Sam Wyche

Redskins-Cowboys, 8:20, ESPN, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Also: WJLA-Washington, KTXA-Dallas/Fort Worth

Monday 12/28:

Steelers-Jaguars, 8:20, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser


Saturday 1/2:

Bills-Dolphins, 12:30, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser

Cardinals-Cowboys, 4, ABC, Mike Patrick, Joe Theismann, Paul Maguire, Solomon Wilcots

Sunday 1/3:

Patriots-Jaguars, 12:30, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Packers-49ers, 4, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Ron Pitts, Pam Oliver


Saturday 1/9:

49ers-Falcons, 12:30, Fox, Dick Stockton, Matt Millen, Pam Oliver

Dolphins-Broncos, 4, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian

Sunday 1/10:

Jaguars-Jets (HD), 12:30, CBS, Verne Lundquist, Randy Cross, Michele Tafoya

Cardinals-Vikings, 4, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Ron Pitts


Sunday 1/17:

Falcons-Vikings, 12:30, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Ron Pitts, Pam Oliver

Jets-Broncos, 4, CBS, Greg Gumbel, Phil Simms, Armen Keteyian, Bonnie Bernstein

CBS HD, crew unknown


Sunday 1/31: Broncos-Falcons, 6, Fox, Pat Summerall, John Madden, Ron Pitts, Bill Maas

PRO BOWL from Honolulu

Sunday 2/7: NFC-AFC, 6, ABC, Al Michaels, Dan Dierdorf, Boomer Esiason, Lesley Visser, Dan Fouts



Saturday 1/2:

Bills-Dolphins, 12:30, Westwood One. Howard David, John Dockery

Cardinals-Cowboys, 4, Westwood One. John Rooney, Matt Millen

Sunday 1/3:

Patriots-Jaguars, 12:30, Westwood One. Tony Roberts, Rick Walker

Packers-49ers, 4, Westwood One. Joel Meyers, Matt Millen


Saturday 1/9:

49ers-Falcons, 12:30, Westwood One. Howard David, Rick Walker

Dolphins-Broncos, 4, Westwood One. Joel Meyers, Jack Ham

Sunday 1/10:

Jaguars-Jets, 12:30, Westwood One. Tony Roberts, John Dockery

Cardinals-Vikings, 4, Westwood One. John Rooney, Matt Millen


Sunday 1/17:

Falcons-Vikings, 12:30, Westwood One. John Rooney, Matt Millen

Jets-Broncos, 4, Westwood One. Joel Meyers, Jack Ham


Sunday 1/31: Broncos-Falcons, 6, Westwood One. Howard David, Matt Millen

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