1960 NFL Season

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See also 1960 AFL Season.

As originally written by Tim Brulia:

1960 saw the addition of a new team to the NFL, the Dallas Cowboys. Of the 13 NFL teams, 10 were aligned with CBS, two joined forces with NBC (the Colts and the Steelers) and one (Browns) rejoined its partner, the syndicated Sports Network. Also, the Chicago Cardinals moved to St Louis. Both the expansion Cowboys and relocated Cardinals would cut severely into the monstrous Chicago CBS Network. But at last, WBBM viewers would be able to see at least away games of their Bears on TV, after being virtually shut out from pro football telecasts for years.

NFL WEEK 1, 1960:

Friday 9/23:

Cardinals-Rams, 11:15, KMOX-St Louis, KHQA-Quincy, IL. Jack Drees, Terry Brennan

Saturday 9/24:

Steelers-Cowboys, 10:00. PGH Regional. Joe Tucker

Sunday 9/25:

Browns-Eagles, 1:30, SNI. Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley

Redskins-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Bears-Packers, 3:00, CBS. Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB). Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET). Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Giants-49ers, 5:30. WCBS-New York. Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY). CBS: Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF).

Bye: Lions


PGH-DAL seen regionally in the Pittsburgh area on WIIC Pittsburgh, WJAC Johnstown, WSTV Steubenville OH and WKST Youngstown OH.

WSH-BAL also seen on NBC affiliates in St Louis, Los Angeles, Pittsburgh, Dallas-Ft Worth and Detroit.

CHI-GB also seen on Dallas, Detroit and St. Louis CBS regional networks.

NFL WEEK 2, 1960:

Friday 9/30:

Eagles-Cowboys, 10:00, Not televised

Sunday 10/2:

Bears-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS. Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Giants-Cardinals, 2:00, CBS. Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY). Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL). Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI). Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Steelers-Browns, 2:00. PGH Regional: Joe Tucker, Red Donley. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley

Lions-Packers, 3:00, CBS. Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB).

Rams-49ers, 5:30, CBS. Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA). Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF).

Bye: Redskins


PGH-CLE carried regionally in Pittsburgh by WIIC Pittsburgh, WJAC Johnstown and WSTV Steubenville OH.

Dallas-Ft Worth NBC affiliate also carrying CHI-BAL game.

NFL WEEK 3, 1960:

Sunday 10/9:

Cardinals-Eagles, 1:30, CBS. Jack Drees, Terry Brennan

Cowboys-Redskins, 2:00, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Rams-Bears, 2:00, CBS. Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Giants-Steelers, 2:00, CBS. Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack

49ers-Lions, 2:30, CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Colts-Packers, 3:00. BAL Regional/CBS. Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo

Bye: Browns

Note: No NBC telecast as they were televising game 4 of the Pirates-Yankees World Series.

BAL-GB seen locally in Baltimore area on WMAR Baltimore, WHP Harrisburg, PA and WSBA York, PA.

NFL WEEK 4, 1960:

Sunday 10/16:

Lions-Eagles, 1:30, CBS. Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds

Rams-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA).

Cardinals-Steelers, 2:00, CBS. Jack Drees, Terry Brennan

49ers-Bears, 2:00, CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB).

Redskins-Giants, 2:00, CBS. Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH). Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY).

Browns-Cowboys, 3:30. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley. CBS: Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL).

Bye: Packers

Note: Green Bay and Milwaukee NBC affiliates joining in on the LA-BAL game.


NFL WEEK 5, 1960:

Sunday 10/23:

Cowboys-Cardinals, 2:00, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Eagles-Browns, 2:00. CBS: Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI/NY). SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley.

Steelers-Redskins, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. PIT Regional: Joe Tucker. CBS: Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Colts-Lions, 2:30: WMAR Baltimore. Chuck Thompson, Bailey Goss. CBS: Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

49ers-Packers (Milwaukee), 3:00, CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB).

Bears-Rams, 5:30, CBS. Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). Bill Symes, Gil Stratton (LA).

Bye: Giants

Note: New York NBC affiliate also carrying PIT-WSH game.

NFL WEEK 6, 1960:

Sunday 10/30:

Browns-Redskins, 2:00. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley. CBS: Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Packers-Steelers, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB).

Cardinals-Giants, 2:00, CBS. Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL). Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY/PHI).

Colts-Cowboys, 3:30. WMAR Baltimore: Chuck Thompson, Bailey Goss. CBS: Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL).

Bears-49ers, 4:30, CBS. Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF).

Lions-Rams, 4:30, CBS. Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET). Bill Symes, Gil Stratton (LA).

Bye: Eagles

NFL WEEK 7, 1960:

Sunday 11/6:

Steelers-Eagles, 1:30, PGH Regional. Joe Tucker

Packers-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Giants-Browns, 2:00. CBS: Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY). SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley.

Redskins-Cardinals, 2:00, CBS. Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH). Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Rams-Cowboys, 3:30, CBS. Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA). Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL).

Lions-49ers, 4:30, CBS. Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET). Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF).

Bye: Bears

NFL WEEK 8, 1960:

Sunday 11/13:

Rams-Lions, 1:30, CBS. Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA/SF). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Redskins-Eagles, 1:30, CBS. Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher

Colts-Bears, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. WMAR-Baltimore: Chuck Thompson, Bailey Goss. CBS: Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Cowboys-Packers, 2:00, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB).

Steelers-Giants, 2:00. PGH Regional: Joe Tucker, Red Donley. CBS: Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY).

Cardinals-Browns, 2:00. CBS: Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL). SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley.

Bye: 49ers


Bay Area also tuning into NBC's coverage of BAL-CHI.

Channel 2 in Baltimore providing their own coverage locally of Colts-Bears.

Channel 11 in Pittsburgh, Channel 6 in Johnstown and Channel 10 in Altoona forming regional coverage in Western PA for Steelers-Giants.

NFL WEEK 9, 1960:

Sunday 11/20:

Browns-Steelers, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley

Lions-Bears, 2:00, CBS. Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Rams-Packers (Milwaukee), 2:00, CBS. Bob Kelley, Gil Stratton (LA). Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB). Chuck Thompson (BAL).

Eagles-Giants, 2:00, CBS. Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI). Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY).

Cardinals-Redskins, 2:00, CBS. Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL). Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

49ers-Cowboys, 3:30, CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF). Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL).

Bye: Colts

NFL WEEK 10, 1960:

Thursday 11/24:

Packers-Lions, Noon, CBS. Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (National). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Sunday 11/27:

Giants-Eagles, 1:30, CBS. Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack

Browns-Cardinals, 2:00. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley. CBS: Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Cowboys-Bears, 2:00, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

49ers-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF).

Redskins-Steelers, 2:00, CBS. Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher

Bye: Rams

Notes: The T-Day game apparently had the GB crew call the game nationally, with the Lions crew doing audio for the CBS Lions network.

Green Bay, Milwaukee, Detroit and Los Angeles NBC affiliates joining in on NBC's SF-BAL telecast.

NFL WEEK 11, 1960:

Sunday 12/4:

Cowboys-Giants, 2:00, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY).

Lions-Colts, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Benny Friedman. CBS: Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Packers-Bears, 2:00, CBS. Ray Scott, Tony Canadeo (GB). Red Grange, George Connor (CHI).

Eagles-Cardinals, 2:00, CBS. Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI). Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Redskins-Browns, 2:00. CBS: Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH). SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley.

49ers-Rams, 4:30, CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau (SF). Bill Symes, Gil Stratton (LA).

Bye: Steelers

Note: Pittsburgh's NBC channel also part of DET-BAL coverage.

NFL WEEK 12, 1960:

Saturday 12/10:

Packers-49ers, 4:30, CBS. Ray Scott, Gil Stratton

Sunday 12/11:

Cowboys-Lions, 1:30, CBS. Wes Wise, Davey O'Brien (DAL). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Bears-Browns, 2:00. CBS: Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley.

Giants-Redskins, 2:00, CBS. Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY). Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Eagles-Steelers, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI).

Colts-Rams, 4:30, WMAR-Baltimore/CBS. Bill Symes, Gil Stratton

Bye: Cardinals

Note: St Louis, San Francisco and Green Bay NBC channels carrying PHI-PGH game.

NFL WEEK 13, 1960:

Saturday 12/17:

Packers-Rams, 4:30, CBS. Ray Scott, Gil Stratton

Sunday 12/18:

Bears-Lions, 1:30, CBS. Red Grange, George Connor (CHI). Van Patrick, Bob Reynolds (DET).

Browns-Giants, 2:00. SNI: Ken Coleman, Jimmy Dudley. CBS: Chris Schenkel, Johnny Lujack (NY).

Eagles-Redskins, 2:00, CBS. Jack Whitaker, Bosh Pritchard (PHI). Jim Gibbons, Eddie Gallaher (WSH).

Steelers-Cardinals, 2:00. NBC: Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert. CBS: Jack Drees, Terry Brennan (STL).

Colts-49ers, 4:30, WMAR-Baltimore/CBS. Bob Fouts, Gordie Soltau

Bye: Cowboys

Note: Green Bay, Milwaukee, Los Angeles and Dallas/Ft Worth NBC affiliates all joining NBC's PGH-STL telecast.

Post Season:

1960 NFL Championship:

Monday 12/26: Packers-Eagles, Noon, NBC. Lindsey Nelson, Ray Scott, Frankie Albert (C)

Note: Early kickoff for the NFL Championship game due to NFL officials preparing for potential of sudden death overtime. Franklin Field had no lights and sunset would normally occur around 4:35 PM at this time of year in Philadelphia.

NFL Playoff Bowl in Miami:

Saturday 1/7: Browns-Lions, 2:00, CBS. Ken Coleman, Van Patrick, Johnny Lujack

NFL Pro Bowl in Los Angeles:

Sunday 1/15: East-West, 4:00, NBC. Lindsey Nelson, Frankie Albert (C)

NFL: 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949 | 1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 | 1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 | 1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970 | 1971 | 1972 | 1973 | 1974 | 1975 | 1976 | 1977 | 1978 | 1979 | 1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989 | 1990 | 1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024

AAFC: 1946 | 1947 | 1948 | 1949

AFL: 1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969