1982 MLB Season
You'll note that NBC really doesn't have a set "B" crew in place. Bob Costas is the one constant, but he works with a number of different co-pilots along the way.
Post season lineups courtesy Jeff79.
Saturday 4/10:
Padres-Dodgers, 4:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Mariners-Athletics, 4:15, NBC. Charlie Jones, Bob Costas (Rained out)
Thursday 4/15:
Mariners-Angels, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 4/17:
Yankees-Tigers, 1:45, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Phillies-Cardinals, 1:45, NBC. Dick Enberg, Bob Costas
Thursday 4/22:
Indians-Rangers, 8:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Twins-Mariners, 10:30 (JIP), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 4/24:
Cardinals-Phillies, 1:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Mike Schmidt, Byron Day
Tigers-Yankees, 1:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Thursday 4/29:
Phillies-Dodgers, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 5/1:
Cardinals-Reds, 1:15, NBC. Dick Enberg, Jay Randolph
Athletics-Indians, 1:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Expos-Dodgers, 4:00, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Brewers-Twins, 4:00, NBC. Charlie Jones, Freddie Patek
Thursday 5/6:
Yankees-Mariners, 10:30 (JIP at about 11:00), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 5/8:
Dodgers-Expos, 1:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Giants-Mets, 1:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Thursday 5/13:
Yankees-Athletics, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 5/15:
Red Sox-Royals, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Reds-Pirates, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Phil Stone
Thursday 5/20:
Athletics-Tigers, 7:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 5/22:
Phillies-Braves, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Athletics-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Thursday 5/27:
Brewers-Angels, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 5/29:
Reds-Expos, 1:15, NBC. Dick Enberg, Bob Costas
White Sox-Indians, 1:15, NBC. Jay Randolph, Freddie Patek
Brewers-Angels, 4:00, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Braves-Phillies, 4:00, NBC. Charlie Jones, Tim McCarver
Thursday 6/3:
Yankees-Blue Jays, 7:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 6/5:
Mariners-Tigers, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek (rained out)
Giants-Cubs, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Monday 6/7:
Athletics-White Sox, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Bob Uecker, Howard Cosell
Cardinals-Expos, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Don Drysdale, Steve Stone
Thursday 6/10:
Yankees-Red Sox, 7:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 6/12:
Angels-White Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Indians-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Freddie Patek
Monday 6/14:
Red Sox-Yankees, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker
Mets-Pirates, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Don Drysdale
Thursday 6/17:
Brewers-Tigers, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Rangers-Mariners, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 6/19:
Phillies-Pirates, 1:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Tim McCarver
Rangers-Twins, 1:15, NBC. Jay Randolph, Sal Bando
Dodgers-Reds, 4:00, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Blue Jays-Athletics, 4:00, NBC. Charlie Jones, Freddie Patek
Monday 6/21:
Tigers-Red Sox, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Steve Stone, Howard Cosell
Phillies-Cardinals, 8:30, ABC. Don Drysdale, Bob Uecker
Thursday 6/24:
Tigers-Orioles, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Royals-Angels, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 6/26:
Brewers-Red Sox, 1:45, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Dodgers-Astros, 1:45, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Monday 6/28:
Cardinals-Phillies, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker, Howard Cosell
Astros-Braves, 8:30, ABC. Don Drysdale, Steve Stone
Thursday 7/1:
Red Sox-Tigers, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Saturday 7/3:
Mariners-White Sox, 3:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Rangers-Athletics, 3:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Monday 7/5:
Brewers-White Sox, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Steve Stone, Howard Cosell
Padres-Expos, 8:30, ABC. Don Drysdale, Bob Uecker
Thursday 7/8:
Cardinals-Braves, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Yankees-Athletics, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 7/10:
Twins-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Tuesday 7/13:
Baseball All-Star Game from Montreal:
American-National, 8:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Al Michaels, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell, Bob Uecker
Thursday 7/15:
Royals-Red Sox, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Expos-Padres, 10:00, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Friday 7/16:
Royals-Red Sox, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell
White Sox-Brewers, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Steve Stone
Saturday 7/17:
Royals-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Reds-Cardinals, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Monday 7/19:
Angels-Orioles, 7:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell
Expos-Dodgers, 7:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker, Steve Stone
Thursday 7/22:
Blue Jays-White Sox, 8:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 7/24:
Astros-Cardinals, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Athletics-Orioles, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Monday 7/26:
Blue Jays-Red Sox, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell
White Sox-Orioles, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Bob Uecker, Steve Stone
Thursday 7/29:
Cardinals-Expos, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Twins-Athletics, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 7/31:
Dodgers-Braves, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Indians-Brewers, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Phil Stone
Monday 8/2:
Expos-Phillies, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker, Howard Cosell
Pirates-Cardinals, 8:30, ABC. Don Drysdale, Steve Stone
Tuesday 8/3:
Expos-Phillies, 8:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Dodgers-Reds, 8:15, NBC. Dick Enberg, Bob Costas
Thursday 8/5:
Royals-Orioles, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Braves-Dodgers, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 8/7:
White Sox-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Rangers-Yankees, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Monday 8/9:
Yankees-Tigers, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell
Reds-Dodgers, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker, Steve Stone
Thursday 8/12:
Phillies-Expos (doubleheader), 6:00, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Phillies-Expos (doubleheader), 8:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Saturday 8/14:
Orioles-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Phillies-Expos, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Monday 8/16:
Orioles-Red Sox, 8:30, ABC. Al Michaels, Don Drysdale, Howard Cosell
Royals-Yankees, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Bob Uecker, Steve Stone
Thursday 8/19:
Padres-Cardinals, 8:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Red Sox-Angels, 11:00 (JIP), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 8/21:
Expos-Astros, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Padres-Cubs, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Phil Stone
Monday 8/23:
Dodgers-Cardinals, 8:30, ABC. Keith Jackson, Bob Uecker
Phillies-Braves, 8:30, ABC. Don Drysdale, Steve Stone
Thursday 8/26:
Athletics-Brewers, 8:30, USA. Jim Woods, Nellie Briles
Tigers-Mariners, 10:30 (JIP), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 8/28:
Angels-Red Sox, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Astros-Expos, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Thursday 9/2:
Angels-Tigers, 7:30, USA. Steve Zabriskie, Nellie Briles
Indians-Brewers, 10:30 (JIP), USA. Eddie Doucette, Wes Parker
Note: Unsure on how the CLE-MIL telecast worked out. This was a twi-night doubleheader, and it is likely that this telecast was joined in progress during the second game of the twinbill, but as of yet, this is not confirmed.
Saturday 9/4:
Yankees-Royals, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Astros-Phillies, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Tuesday 9/7:
Dodgers-Reds, 8:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Orioles-Yankees, 8:15, NBC. Dick Enberg, Bob Costas
Thursday 9/9:
Dodgers-Braves, 7:30, USA. Al Albert, Nellie Briles
Saturday 9/11:
Dodgers-Astros, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Tigers-Red Sox, 2;15, NBC. Bob Costas, Willie McCovey
Thursday 9/16:
Mariners-Royals, 8:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Padres-Giants, 10:30 (JIP), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 9/18:
Angels-Blue Jays, 2:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Royals-Twins, 2;15, NBC. Bob Costas, Jay Randolph
Sunday 9/19:
Pirates-Phillies, 2:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Bob Uecker
Yankees-Brewers, 2:00, ABC. Don Drysdale, Steve Stone
Wednesday 9/22:
Pirates-Cardinals, 8:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Royals-Angels, 10:30 (JIP), USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 9/25 (non-doubleheader):
Padres-Braves, 1:15, NBC. Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Phillies-Mets, 1:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Sal Bando
Royals-Athletics, 4:15, NBC. Jay Randolph, Freddie Patek
Note: the KC-OAK game was only seen in west coast markets and Kansas City.
Sunday 9/26:
Orioles-Brewers, 2:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Steve Stone
Cubs-Cardinals, 2:00, ABC. Don Drysdale, Bob Uecker
Thursday 9/30:
Orioles-Tigers, 7:30, USA. Eddie Doucette, Nellie Briles
Braves-Dodgers, 10:30, USA. Monte Moore, Wes Parker
Saturday 10/2:
Brewers-Orioles, 2:15, NBC. Bob Costas, Tony Kubek
Athletics-Royals, 2:15, NBC. Jay Randolph, Sal Bando
Dodgers-Giants, 4:00 (JIP), NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola
Braves-Padres, 4:00 (JIP), NBC. Phil Stone, Freddie Patek
Sunday 10/3:
Brewers-Orioles, 3:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Howard Cosell
Braves-Padres, 3:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Steve Stone
Dodgers-Giants, 3:00, ABC. Don Drysdale
Tuesday 10/5:
Game 1, Brewers-Angels, 8:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Jim Palmer, Earl Weaver
Wednesday 10/6:
Game 1, Braves-Cardinals, 3:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Tommy Lasorda, Howard Cosell (suspended)
Game 2, Brewers-Angels, 8:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Jim Palmer, Earl Weaver
Note: Game 1 of the NLCS was suspended in the middle of the fifth inning due to heavy rain. The results of the game were wiped out, and the series began anew the next night.
Thursday 10/7:
Game 1, Braves-Cardinals, 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Tommy Lasorda, Howard Cosell
Friday 10/8:
Game 3, Angels-Brewers, 3:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Jim Palmer, Earl Weaver
Game 2, Braves-Cardinals, 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Tommy Lasorda (rained out)
Saturday 10/9:
Game 4, Angels-Brewers, 1:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Jim Palmer, Earl Weaver
Game 2, Braves-Cardinals, 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Tommy Lasorda
Sunday 10/10:
Game 5, Angels-Brewers, 4:00, ABC. Keith Jackson, Jim Palmer, Earl Weaver, Bob Uecker
Game 3, Cardinals-Braves, 8:00, ABC. Al Michaels, Tommy Lasorda, Howard Cosell, Jim Lampley
Tuesday 10/12:
Game 1, Brewers-Cardinals, 8:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Wednesday 10/13:
Game 2, Brewers-Cardinals, 8:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Friday 10/15:
Game 3, Cardinals-Brewers, 8:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Bob Costas
Saturday 10/16:
Game 4, Cardinals-Brewers, 1:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Bob Costas
Sunday 10/17:
Game 5, Cardinals-Brewers, 4:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Bob Costas
Tuesday 10/18:
Game 6, Brewers-Cardinals, 8:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek
Wednesday 10/19:
Game 7, Brewers-Cardinals, 8:00, NBC. Dick Enberg, Joe Garagiola, Tony Kubek, Bob Costas
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